Zlotnicza Street 3, Lodz
507-087-531 | 511-120-017                Polski



Dear Patients,

Regarding the adaptation of the standards of the FRANIDENT Nina Franke dental surgery to the EU regulation on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on the 24th of May 2016, we inform that the administrator of the FRANIDENT patients’ personal data  is the dental surgery FRANIDENT Nina Franke in Lodz at Złotnicza 3 Street. Data obtained directly during the treatment of patients is  and will be used only for the purposes of continuing the treatment and implementation of dental services provided by the FRANIDENT to Patients. Striving to ensure your security and protection against external and internal threats, as part of monitoring, we also process personal data (image) of visitors of the Surgery.

The categories of recipients to whom we may share your personal data are medical entities cooperating with  the FRANIDENT on the basis of separate agreements, entities providing accounting, postal, legal and e-mail services as well as companies providing security services (including the image). There is no profiling as part of the processing goals being pursued and data will not be transferred to third parties. The data obtained in the scope of services provided by the office will be kept by the Administrator for 20 years from the end of the year in which the last entry was made in the medical documentation, pursuant to art. 29 of the Act on Patient Rights of November the 6th , 2008). In terms of the image of people visiting the office, data will be automatically deleted in the form of overwritten recordings 60 days after its registration. In cases where the recording records the course of an event or accident being the basis for pursuing claims, its removal will take place after the expiration of the period of possible claims.

At the same time, we are obliged to indicate that the FRANIDENT Patients have the right to access the personal data being processed, as well as to demand rectification, deletion or limitation of their processing, to object to the processing of data, to transfer data, and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority - Chiefof the Office for Personal Data Protection.
In order to take advantage of the above rights, as well as familiarize yourself with the full version of the Information Clause for patients of the FRANIDENT surgery in the field of personal data protection, please visit the Franident Office, as well as we are available by phone 0048 507087531 and e-mail: gabinet.franident@gmail .com

The use of personal data protection procedures by GDPR is for you a certificate of the highest level and safety of services provided by the FRANIDENT. We would also like to inform you that the provision of data is voluntary, but it determines the conclusion of the contract - treatment at the FRANIDENT Dental Surgery.
Dentist Nina Franke

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